Rev. Daniel J. Bradley
Rev. Daniel J. Bradley
Welcome to It is my hope that my writings, sermons, and other musings will be of help to you on your spiritual journey. Feel free to contact me with questions or fun ideas for faith. Please make yourself at home. God Bless.
–Rev. Daniel J. Bradley
“We can be certain that the Caesars of this world tremble when people discover that their worth is not determined by what they achieve or by what state and society bestow or withhold from them. Their identity and value are given to them by God, who loves, affirms, and accepts them as they are—whoever they may be. Because God in Jesus Christ has said Yes to them, they are not “nobodies” but “somebodies.”
Migliore, Daniel L. Faith Seeking Understanding : An Introduction to Christian Theology. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans, 2004.